Board of Associates
Our Board of Associates is a leadership group made of volunteers who, through their own time, talent, and resources, help advance the mission and maintain the historical integrity of Captiva Chapel by the Sea.
Board of Associates 2023-2024 Season
Executive Committee:
President - Jake Miller,
Vice President - Nathalie Pyle,
Treasurer- Mike Bennett
Recording Secretary- Missy Calkin,
Corresponding Secretary - Valerie Tutor
Stepahine Bissett
Susen Berg
Dennis Berry
George Campean
Karen Cox
Ken Jacobs
Kathy Knoblauch
Marilyn Lewis
Doug Ryckman
Ellen Sloan
Chapel by the Sea Board of Associates:
Front left to right: Pastor Larry Marshall, Treasurer Mike Bennett, Board Member Dennis Berry, Vice President Chip Roach
Rear left to Right: Members Ellen Sloan, Susie Berg, Mission Chair Kathy Knoblauch, Secretary Missy Calkin and President Jake Miller.
Missing from photo, Members Doug Ryckman, Corresponding Secretary Valerie Tutor, Doreen Bolhuis, Ken Jacobs, Ed Stringer, George Campean, and Stephanie Bissett